Friday, October 30, 2009

Fantastic 4 CX

My original plan: Race 4 at Murrysville/ Race 4 at Raccoon

What happened?

Race 1: started off great and stayed with the lead group until I caught a tape steak in my rear wheel. This essentially took me out of the race and ever other race I was signed up for.

Post Race: I was pretty bummed that I couldn’t finish the race and was out for Sunday until Mike said I could use his bike the whole weekend.

Race 2: Start of the ¾ was ridiculous; I tried to keep pace, but was blown out the back asap. I tried to keep on the tail of things until I basically just became a victim to the constant grind I the mud.

Post Race: I was encased in mud, my whole body was tired and beat and I was super hungry and cold. I cleaned up stay around to help clear up.

Highlight of day one: Drinking the post cleanup beer and meeting/watching Henry’s hedgehog have a breakdown. He (the hedgehog) must have had a bad race day as well.

Day 2

Race 3: The course was pretty dry and fast – I took off with the lead group and maintained a steady pace instead of going all out to keep up. I had no clue about my placing, but was picking people off one by one. End up in second place, but missed the reward due to talks over a cold one.

Race 4: Just road off the back with Henry and Brian; it was probably the funniest cross race I’ve been in thus far.

Highlight of day two: Watching Henry give beer and donuts to riders in the 1/2/3 race.

1 comment:

Henry Dimmick said...

Donuts and Beer are FAR BETTER than Beer and Cereal... take my word for it :)